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Master Sciences, Technologies, Santé

Studying at Sorbonne University


We would be happy to welcome you among our students. The department of international relations and the master BIP will try to facilitate your arrival and your administrative procedures.

However, consider the following:

- You will have to choose one of the five program of our Master among Marine Biology and Bioresources, Biology of Aging and Longevity, Neurosciences, Nutrition, Quality and Health, or Physiology, Metabolism and Human Pathophysiology.

- the Neurosciences program and the Physiology, Metabolism and Human Pathophysiology program can be attended in English. For other program, you must have an official B2 level in French.

- importantly, internships in companies or public research organizations, are payed when the duration is greater than 2 months.

Details are given in the Sorbonne University website (department of international relations). 


Traductions :



    Adresse postale  du Master BIP :

    Sorbonne Université

    Faculté de Sciences et Ingénierie

    Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

    9, quai Saint Bernard - Case courrier 118

    75252 Paris Cedex 05


    Localisation du secrétariat :

    Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

    Bâtiment C - 1er étage - Bureau 105


    Horaires d'ouverture :

    Du Lundi au Vendredi
    de 9h00 à 12h00
    de 13h45 à 17h30


    Coordonnées de la direction et de l'équipe pédagogique