Parcours International Biologie des organismes marins

Biology of marine organisms: fundamental and applied bases
desdevises @ - besseau @
The University of Sorbonne is offering an international master program within the Master of Integrative Biology and in collaboration with the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago (PUC, Chile). A portion of the coursework in marine biology, will take place at two of the Sorbonne marine stations: in Banyuls-sur-mer (on the Mediterranean Sea) and in Roscoff (on the English Channel).
This program addresses both fundamental and applied aspects of the integrative biology of marine organisms, offering valuable practical knowledge and experience to those students interested in careers in fundamental research as well as in applied fields (biotechnology, aquaculture, ...).
For futher informations :
Participants in this international master program will be selected from each partner university, and will benefit from additional financial support.
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Adresse postale du Master BIP :
Sorbonne Université
Faculté de Sciences et Ingénierie
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
9, quai Saint Bernard - Case courrier 118
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Localisation du secrétariat :
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Bâtiment C - 1er étage - Bureau 105
Horaires d'ouverture :
Du Lundi au Vendredi
de 9h00 à 12h00
de 13h45 à 17h30